Jun 25 2015

Why Aren't Employees Using Wellness Programs?

Benefitspro recently published an article on why employees aren't using their wellness programs-read it over on their website

A lot of the reasons employees cited are ones that TRS|Wellness has helped our clients overcome, and one of the biggest reasons employees are wary of participating is concerns over their privacy. As our programs are developed by healthcare professionals, we are experts at ensuring that our clients' private health information is respected and secure. The companies that we have worked with have found that having us manage health screens, incentives, and behavior based coaching has not only provided superior results, but that our professional team has eased these types of fears. 

Employers trust us to provide the best return on investment and employees trust us to help them to effect lasting meaningful changes in their health. What can we do for you?
Sandy Greeson

Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, Essential Functions Evaluator, & Certifed Clinical Instructor