Occupational Therapy for Everyone
Published in BlogThe world of occupational therapy provides a vast, eclectic practice arena where an individual can easily find their niche in a very specific field. Often these niches spawn from personal endeavors, beliefs, or life events which often have had a direct and profound effect on the practitioner. Occupational therapists are constantly developing new practice methods, refining expertise, and seeking new arenas for which we can better serve our patients.
Diabetes Educational Event
Published in BlogLast month we held an educational session, titled "Planning a Healthy Diet with Diabetes" with one of our clients in Northeast Arkansas and Amber, one of our Wellness Coaches.
Ergo Breaks: The Key to Success
Published in BlogDiabetes and Your Smile
Published in BlogNewsletters are a great way to increase communication with wellness program participants, which you can read a little more on the importance of over at PR Newswire. But newsletters are best used as an adjunct to in-person interaction, not in place of. If you’re looking for a wellness vendor with more than an online portal, let us give you some information. Just email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..