Dec 28 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, many of us will be setting New Year’s Resolutions. Setting lofty but achievable goals for the New Year can be tricky. You want to aim high enough, so you are able to really make a difference in your lifestyle and/or health, but you don’t want to aim too high and completely drop your resolutions by the second week of the New Year.

Whether this New Year has you feeling inspired or a little overwhelmed TRS Wellness has some New Year’s Resolutions you can make—and hopefully keep—in the New Year!

Feb 09 2016
Since February is National Heart Month, we think it is a good time to discuss what you should know when visiting your cardiologist.
Say that at your last physical you were referred to a cardiologist. What happens next?
Visiting your cardiologist can be stressful, and a lot of the time we forget everything we want to know. Here are some tips to help you prepare.
Sep 15 2015
This is an excerpt from a prevous Wellness Newsletter written by Jenna, our Registered Dietitian.

Newsletters are a great way to increase communication with wellness program participants, which you can read a little more on the importance of over at PR Newswire. But newsletters are best used as an adjunct to in-person interaction, not in place of. If you’re looking for a wellness vendor with more than an online portal, let us give you some information. Just email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Oct 31 2014
In our fast-paced society, it’s almost a badge of honor to get too-little sleep and have a Starbucks Gold Card in exchange. But how healthy is it to treat sleep as a luxury for the weekend and vacations only?
Apr 30 2014
Food and the act of eating can encompass many aspects and areas of an individual’s life. On the surface, food consumption seems to be a simple topic. You eat to stay alive. While this is true, we know that there are many underlying emotions, motives, and dietary guidelines that can accompany a diet.